(2018) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 94–104
Title of the article Measures to Prevent Drug Addiction among Minors in Ukraine
Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher, Habilitated Doctor of Law (the Republic of Poland), Vice-Rector of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, s.minchenko74@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4
Pages [94–104]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Drug addiction is an extremely complex socially dangerous phenomenon. It leads to a decrease in the material and technical, and intellectual potential of society, the deterioration of its gene pool, the degradation of the individual, and encourages the commission of crimes, and other dangerous consequences. During the last years, the number of people who use drugs is decreasing. In Ukraine, the use of psychoactive substances, including drugs, has become so widespread that it poses a threat to young people, which is the driving force behind social progress.
Ukraine is one of the territories of the final drug market: with the integration into the world market system, the borders of our state became more transparent. This contributes to the possibility of Ukraine’s inclusion in the world of drug trafficking.
Prevention of drug addiction among youth is one of the most important tasks of our time. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify possible ways to prevent drug abuse among minors in Ukraine.
A number of tasks have been accomplished for achievement of the purpose, namely: certain signs of drug abuse in Ukraine have been considered; the main directions of counteraction to juvenile delinquency are investigated; national measures aimed at preventing drug abuse in general and among minors are defined; measures to prevent drug abuse among minors are proposed.
As a result of the study it is stated that institutions of education, in particular, additional, are directly involved in the process of formation and development of the personality of minors. It is indicated that the lack of organization of counteraction to juvenile drug addiction is insufficient, and sometimes improper work of these institutions. The necessity of launching narrow-profile training of specialists-educators on the prevention of drug addiction in educational institutions with the aim of preventing drug addiction among minors is emphasized.
Keywords background phenomena of crime; prevention of drug addiction; minors; drug crime.
List of legal documents
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